Averaging over four million hits per month , Pasty Central is the most active Internet e-commerce enterprise in
Michigan's Upper Peninsula. On the web since 1995, Still Waters Assisted
Living Community established its own full featured ISP* in September 1999
known as "PastyNET". With its major focus on e-commerce solutions
for business (domain hosting, secure server, web page design and programming),
PastyNET now also offers high-speed dial in service for everyone in the
*ISP = Internet
Service Provider
Why start a new ISP in the Copper Country?
For several years we
have managed many popular U.P. domains, subcontracting with other ISP's
for bandwidth and server space. Besides dealing with the busy signals
of the other ISP's, our combined traffic of Pasty Central and the domains
we host, has outgrown these local "rented" resources. It was time
for more horsepower! ...Our own T1's, our own servers, our own pipeline
to the "backbone" of the 'Net.
Why should you consider switching your domain to
- You'll be in good company.
See our home page for a current
- Pasty Central is one of
the few sites in the U.P. which changes daily,
guaranteed. Our sponsors
receive the benefit of the constant traffic this investment has created.
- Beside the fastest available
domain connection to the outside world, your banner ads on Pasty Central
have an insured quota of page impressions. We will not oversell this
service. |
DaYoopers.Com |
- Secure ordering capability is
available at no extra charge. This makes it possible for you to accept
credit card orders with the encrypted information delivered to your email
address. With thousands of pasties, sweetrolls, saffron buns, video
tapes, etc. sold, this has proven itself to be effective in capturing customers
throughout North America.
- At a cost comparable
to what you now spend on the Internet you can maximize your presence by
associating with Pasty Central
- Complete log and traffic
reports are available for domain sponsors, impression summary for banner
Three sponsorship levels are available:
Full Domain Service
1,000 banner ads monthly
-registration management
-Telnet, FTP w/80MB storage
-cgi-bin and SSL support
-email forwarding
--(ex: me@mydomain.com)
cost = $50/month |
Folder Site
800 banner ads monthly
-URL ex: "pasty.com/myshop"
-FTP w/10MB storage
-cgi-bin and SSL support
cost = $40/month |
Banner Sponsorship
700 banner ads monthly
-link from Pasty Central to your site (hosted elsewhere)
cost = $35/month |
Find out more today... Phone 337-5979 or email Charlie
Hopper or Daryl Laitila
Your sponsorship helps support the ongoing work of Still Waters Assisted
Living Community in Calumet
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