ISP Tech Talk:
Who's the fastest of them all?
If you have never tried PastyNET, and you're looking for a faster browsing
experience on the web - this information is for you.
Among all the dial-in services available with a local call from the
Keweenaw Peninsula, PastyNET gives its members some distinct advantages
compared to other Internet Service Providers.
While everyone offers "high-speed" dial-up accounts with email, newsgroups,
support, etc., the unique history of this service and its growing resources
give PastyNET members the technical edge in several ways.
This has been demonstrated in numerous field test comparisons with the
other ISP's. Here are just a few of the PastyNET advantages:
All ISDN Prime T-1's
You often hear ISP's talk about their "T-1's" - the interconnection
to the local phone carrier which has multiple channels to accomodate dozens
of dial-in accounts simultaneously. Two major types of channelized
T-1's are available in the Copper Country: older ADTSE and
(more recently) ISDN Prime. The older ISP companies (1995
and earlier) made their major equipment investments before the widespread
use of the faster, more reliable ISDN Primes. PastyNET was
developed in 1999 in reponse to the need for greater accessibility (no
busy signals) for our staff and sponsors hosted at Pasty Central,
the region's most active e-commerce portal. This allowed us to commit
resources to the faster technology up front, while the other services must
either re-fit or live with second-rate, slower connections. Ask your
ISP if they use ISDN prime lines. PastyNET is 100% ISDN prime.
This not only enables every connection to be up to a full, digital 64K
per channel, but enhances analog modem calls as well (56K).
Unique, world-visible IP addresses
"Internet Protocol" (IP) numbers are used to identify and locate connections
to the Internet. In this way, the exchange of "packets" of information
are accomplished between sources and destinations. Many Internet
providers use a cheap alternative to assigning world-visible IP addresses
to each incoming call. It's known as "IP masquerading", where dozens
of callers appear as the same address, with cycles of overhead required
to determing which packet goes with it's respective caller (port).
This causes a measurable decrease in speed, compared to a service like
PastyNET, which uses unique "real" IP addresses. Ask your
ISP if they use IP masquerading, or call us to see how you can test for
Low latency pathway to the Internet's 'backbone'
If your ISP touts itself as being connected by satellite, ask them
if they also go to work with a horse and buggy. While satellite is
an effective way of reaching Third World countries where land fiber does
not exist, this is 21st century North America. "Latency" is the measurement
of response time in acknowledging packets of IP information. It is
a function of the effective distance between information source and destination.
The extra 42,000 miles to hit a geo-synchronous satellite may be the real
reason for the slow service, not your modem. Call us to find out
how you can measure your ISP's latency.
PastyNET is the only full service ISP based in Keweenaw and Houghton
County. PastyNET is also the only ISP whose entire staff of support
personnel live in Keweenaw and Houghton County. Still Waters Assisted
Living in Calumet houses our high speed bandwidth access to the backbone
of the Internet. This gives PastyNET the added benefit of having
24 hour on-site staffing and powerful in-house generator backup power.
Have other questions? You can reach us at
or call during business hours Monday through Friday 337-5979.
After hours phone support is available at 337-0569. |